A Dog Day: Or, the Angel in the House

A Dog Day: Or, the Angel in the House

B. inggris kak tolong bantu buatin factual report text tentang kemarau ​

kak tolong bantu buatin factual report text tentang kemarau ​


Long dry season

Throughout 2018, Indonesia was hit by a long dry season, so that rivers and wells were , PAM / PDAM were muddy

As a result of the long dry season, farmers cannot irrigate their fields, because some rivers dry up

During the dry season, the weather is very hot

many vendors of cold drinks .

The dry season lasts until early October

We are very grateful that at the end of this October the rain began to fall. the river and well gradually began to fill again with water.

Now the people who now people who have drought become happy.


Kemarau Panjang

Sepanjang tahun 2018 ini Indonesia dilanda kemarau panjang sehingga sungai dan sumur kering, PAM/PDAM airnya keruh

Akibat dari kemarau panjang petani tidak dapat mengairi sawahnya, karena beberapa sungai mengering

Selama musim kemarau udara sangat panas. banyak penjaja es minuman dingin

musim kemarau berlangsung hingga awal Oktober

Kami sangat bersyukur di akhir Oktober ini hujan mulai turun. sungai dan sumur berangsur angsur mulai terisi air lagi.

Sekarang masyarakat yang mengalami kekeringan menjadi senang.


semoga membantu

